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» Risma is not a logical investment
Mer 21 Aoû 2013 - 12:26 par Oummih

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 Risma is not a logical investment

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Inscris le :: 23/07/2012

MessageSujet: Risma is not a logical investment   Mer 21 Aoû 2013 - 12:26

Purchasing Risma shares is not a good idea.

I am against Sexual Tourism in Morocco, consequently, I am also opposed to Alcoholic tourism. Risma continues to allow Alcohol to be sold in its hotels.

Until Risma makes the right choice to prohibit the sale of Alcohol in accordance with Moroccan Law, I cannot recommend anyone purchase Risma.
It is unfortunate, as I would love to invest in Morocco's tourism industry, but the fact that they continue to sell Alcohol prohibits me from doing so.

Furthermore, most large scale investors are value investors. In other words, they invest in products and services they believe in. A vast majority of the most affluent investors in Morocco are good men of integrity, and they would never invest in any company that sold Alcohol. They understand that money is not the goal in life, and that how you get your money is very important.

Consequently, what we are looking at right now, with regards to Risma, is speculation.

There is good reason to believe that CIMR will sell its holding in RISMA because of the Alcohol issue.

I see value in other areas of the market.
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Risma is not a logical investment

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